April 24 5:30 PM
"Our Work and Why We Do It"
An open conversation at the Krannert Art Museum, 500 E. Peabody Dr., C.
photo by Kenlyn Kanouse

April 25 12:00 PM

"You Make the Call"

Conversations at a women's softball game, Eichelberger Field, 1201 W. Florida, U.

photo by Kenlyn Kanouse

April 26 12:00 PM

"Finding the Village Square" 

A guided walk through downtown Urbana, starting at the Civic Center, 108 Water, U.

photo by Chris Kasak
April 27 12:00 PM
"Where are the WMDs?" 
A performance to raise awareness about weapons research at the UI; starts at the Beckman Quad

April 28 4:00 PM
"Abstain From What?" 
A conversation by and for teens about abstinence-only education; meet at Church and State, C.
photo by Charlie Roderick
April 29 5:00 PM
"Listening to the Electronic Citizen"

An open conversation on technology and democracy at the City Building, 102 N. Neil, C.

photo courtesy Take Back the Night/Zoe Swords

April 30 7:00 PM

"Take Back the Night" 

An open rally and women's and transgendered person's march against gender violence, Westside Park, C.

May 1 2:00 PM
"Prospect for Peace" 
Ongoing demonstations for peace, Prospect and I-74, C.

May 2 2:00PM

 "Reclaiming the Faith"
An open discussion about the possibilities for Christianity to inform progressive and radical politics, NE corner University and Wright, U.
photo by Nathan Keay
May 3 12:00 PM
 "Open Science and the Commercialized University"
South Research Park, First and St. Mary's, C.
May 4 12:00 PM
 "Readings from the Cell Block"
Champaign County Courthouse, 101 East Main, U.

May 5 5:30 PM

 "Perimeters + Parameters"
meet at the SW corner of Morrissey Park, Windsor and Stillwater, C.
May 6 5:30 PM
 "Participatory Media: A Meeting of the Public I"
News-Gazette Building, Main Street, C.
May 7 12:00 PM
"Why Pay Full Price (for what you can give away for free)?" 
Campustown Pizza Hut, Green and Fifth, C.

May 8 3:00 PM
"Barterplace Mall"
Marketplace Mall, public seating area near Sears.

May 9 2:30PM

"The Public Square as Art: MFA Program Critiques" 
Krannert Art Museum, 500 E. Peabody Dr., C.
photo by Conrad Bakker  

May 10 4:00 PM

"Free, Temporary Bike Shop" 
Lincoln Square Mall Parking Lot
May 11 3:45 PM
"Talking Back to the Teacher" 
Urbana Middle School
May 12 5:30 PM
"Local Media, Why Bother?"
WICD Channel 15 250 Country Fair Drive, C.
May 13 9:30 AM
 "Guerilla Gardening"
corner of Lincoln and University, U.
May 14 5:30 PM

"Self-Hating Jews?"Jewish Americans Critique Israel

Hillel Foundation Lawn 503 East John, C.

May 15 9:00 AM
May 16 12:00 PM
"The Public Square as Community" a post-project picnic  
Crystal Lake Park, U.